SakamaeKilling peopleJoined: April 21, 2009Status: OfflinePosts: 6409Level: 44203
Paranormal Activity Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:42:01 AM#112170Perm Link
What do you think of Paranormal Activity?
Edited at Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:42:34 AM
Always a dead end There is no escape I place my sorrow upon a bird in the sky And i'll let it fly This place is ephemeral An eternity that binds me Coming or going All that passes by are dreams
paranormal activity was a good movie, although the chick's boyfriend got on my nerves. he was like "SHOW YOURSELF!" and he apparently didn't consider the fact that you CAN'T SEE DEMONS. and, being a Christian, I believe in prayer and rebuking the demon. funny enough they tried about everything else EXCEPT prayer. and when the girl was holding the cross and the boyfriend burned it then i was like "yeah, they're going to die."
i did like the ending though. got scary.
It rains and it pours when you're out on your own. If I crash on the couch can I sleep in my clothes? 'Cause I spent the night dancing, I'm drunk I suppose, and if it looks like I'm laughing, I'm really just asking to leave.
It was the lamest movie ever, the only scary part was at the very ending when the dude flew at the camera. But that alone was nothing compared to Jason.
“What do you think of paranormal activity?” is quite weird question when you don't get that you're talking about a film immediately ;-) (there is a "Movies" subforum too, you know ;-) ) Also, haven't seen it.
you know i watched the most recent Jason.....that movie was so stupid. ): people liked being nekkid...furthermore, they died.
It rains and it pours when you're out on your own. If I crash on the couch can I sleep in my clothes? 'Cause I spent the night dancing, I'm drunk I suppose, and if it looks like I'm laughing, I'm really just asking to leave.
Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I Live, I will kill you. If I Die, You are forgiven." Such is the Rule of Honor.
It was the dumbass movie that i've see in a long time. I thought it would be better then what it was but i was wrong.
Always a dead end There is no escape I place my sorrow upon a bird in the sky And i'll let it fly This place is ephemeral An eternity that binds me Coming or going All that passes by are dreams
Paranormal Activity was one of the best movies to come out in 2009 and one of the best horror movies to come out in the last ten years. It was a return to form for the horror movie genre, focusing on tension and atmosphere rather than in your face and over the top visceral gore.
They did a tremendous job with this movie. I have to say that I was not a fan of the Spielberg ending because I did feel that it hurt the integrity of the movie some what. The endings that they showed at the film festivals (the suicide and the police shooting) were both good though.
Always a dead end There is no escape I place my sorrow upon a bird in the sky And i'll let it fly This place is ephemeral An eternity that binds me Coming or going All that passes by are dreams
Thats not even scary. I like watching thing like that & i've seen things way scarer then that movie.
Always a dead end There is no escape I place my sorrow upon a bird in the sky And i'll let it fly This place is ephemeral An eternity that binds me Coming or going All that passes by are dreams
Shut the fuck up,even though I didn't even see it myself.
well.... i guess i wont give you any cookies tommorow lol
Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I Live, I will kill you. If I Die, You are forgiven." Such is the Rule of Honor.
Always a dead end There is no escape I place my sorrow upon a bird in the sky And i'll let it fly This place is ephemeral An eternity that binds me Coming or going All that passes by are dreams
Always a dead end There is no escape I place my sorrow upon a bird in the sky And i'll let it fly This place is ephemeral An eternity that binds me Coming or going All that passes by are dreams