Verisign Gets Patent On Sitefinder

Aron Schatz
May 6, 2008

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Do you remember a bit of time ago when .com domains that wouldn't resolve got kicked over to a Versign advertising page? They received a patent on a trivial matter of DNS. I guess the patent was awarded since it is one of those business method types... The ones that suck, just like all software patents.


As part of VeriSign’s (VRSN) 2001 purchase of eNic Corporation (operator of the .CC registry) the company became the owner of a patent application, which has now been granted on March 4th of this year under patent number 7,337,910 b2. While the original patent application, at the time written by eNic’s CEO Brian Cartmell and eNic’s CTO Jothan Frakes, was used in order to resolve and offer non-existent domain names for registration, it would also cover Verisign’s Sitefinder application, implemented in September of 2003, causing any unregistered .COM/.NET domain to resolve to a parked page. VeriSign, was ordered by ICANN to cease the practice shortly after they introduced it.

And crap. I own a .cc domain that I use!


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